Your Voice and Your Profession

Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.

Practicing mindfulness with your Voice helps you develop the quality of your self-expression and emotional well-being. By connecting to your state of mind and body through feeling and awareness of physical sensations and observation, you develop more self-awareness and discernment of your thoughts and communication. 

Training in your Voice as a professional cultivates your inherent inner resources for the moments of critical importance and the longevity for continuing success, 

Listen to Your Tone, Inflection and Pacing in the way you Speak. Notice how are others are affected by your Tone and Body Language. Be Aware of your own Listening, paying attention to any  filters and bias.

For legal professionals, like attorneys and mediators, communication is central to our career. Beyond aesthetics, how we speak and listen, carry tone and energy in our Voice and Body is pivotal in our advocacy efforts. We invest a lot of time and energy into developing our cases, integrating all the technical and relational aspects of client representation. We are also managing the emotional complexities weighing on success or failure how a case is resolved and how satisfied is our client is measured by how taken care of they feel. 

So how do you take care of YOU, from moment to moment carrying the weight of someone else fate in your hands? What happens when you don't take care of yourself? How does that show up in your ability to show up for others?

Developing your Voice, cultivates emotional awareness and insight into the profound landscape of all that you are holding for your clients as well as all parties involved. Noticing how you are managing stress and fatigue on a day to day basis is a first step. Its equally as important, if not greater, to notice how you manage stress moment to moment, not just waiting for the day or week to be over.  This reduces risks of emotional decision making, volatile communication and dissociative behavior. 

Daily stress relief is critical to your emotional well being.
Take time to listen..
Begin by breathing in deep...
Start with a few minutes sitting in your office chair with the lights turned down and phone off, becoming aware of your breath, physical sensation, state of mind. 
Create space for you to Just Be,  Relax and Reset.
Let me know how you enjoyed this article and the vocal cleansing practice. Please click below for any questions, comments and interest in my professional training series and workshops. 

OCTOBER 21, 2023

Ojai, CA